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We suggest Jianxin commercial mixing plant for large-scale project

Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, has been developing with each passing day. It took only a short period of more than ten years to transform itself into a national central city that taken on the economic revitalization of the Central Plains region from an inland capital city of China. Numerous large and small projects such as parks, bridges, and civil buildings are under construction. Construction materials are continuously transported to the city but far from being enough. This is the fact in the supply of concrete mixing plants.
Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery has been committed to providing high-quality high-end concrete production equipment and construction plans for the development project of China's construction industry, and has contributed its own strength to the construction of Zhengzhou city. Recently, Jianxin Machinery has built another 120 concrete mixing plants for a large-scale cultural venue project in Zhengzhou. Zhengzhou market has more and more engineering projects using Jianxin equipment.

concrete mixing plant
The 120 type mixing plant is a equipment frequently used in large-scale engineering projects. Jianxin mechanical technology team is designed and manufactured in combination with advanced technology at home and abroad. It can produce 120 cubic meters per hour. It is suitable for commercial mixing plant construction and large-scale engineering use, with high production capacity and high efficiency. The JS2000 mixing machine is equipped with the power of 74KW, the mixer has a nominal capacity of 2000L, the batching machine has a grid number of 4 grids, the batching capacity is 3200L, 3×100t, and the cement weighing range and accuracy are (0~1200)±1 %kg, the weighing range and accuracy of the admixture are (0~50)±1%kg, the weighing accuracy of the aggregate is ±2%, the unloading height is 3.8 m, and the total installed power is 179.5KW. These data ensures that the equipment meets the production demand.
The production conditions and needs of the project are different. Jianxin Machinery will customize each customer to ensure the stable operation of machinery and equipment meet the production needs and save economic and labor costs. Jianxin has also regarding building environmentally-friendly mixing equipment as its development goal. It has implemented in equipment manufacturing and construction programs. All products of the company are in line with national environmental protection standards, and customers can purchase without worrying.

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Address:West 200m of Guangwu Road and G310 National Way intersection, Xingyang-Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 450100 China

