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What is the production output of a small concrete mixing plant in one hour?

Small concrete mixing plants are popular in small projects and rural areas because of their advantages of affordable price, small floor space and convenient transportation. However, many customers are worried about the production capacity of small mixing plants when consulting Jianxin Machinery. Is the small mixing plant poor in production? What’s the production output of them in one hour?
The small mixing plants currently produced and sold by Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery are HZS25, HZS35, HZS50, etc. The production capacity of each model is different, and the figures in the model represent the theoretical production. However, in actual production, the hourly discharge is different from the theoretical output, and the reasons for the difference are various. In order to ensure production capacity, Jianxin Machinery recommends the following aspects.

concrete mixing plant
It is necessary to control the loading and unloading time, concrete mixing time, mixing truck entry and exit time, and the number of transport vehicles. The production of concrete mixing plants requires the tacit cooperation of all links. When one link is delayed, the whole production process will be suspended or slowed down. It is recommended to use a two-way inlet and outlet mixing truck. When one mixer is driven away, the other is poured in, which can greatly reduce the transportation time. This also requires that the dispatch of the transport vehicle be accurate and timely.
Real-time diagnosis and correction of the problems existing in the production process of small commodity concrete mixing plant. The whole process is completed in an unmanned state, reducing the production cost of the commercial concrete mixing plant and reducing the interference of the production process. These ensure the production efficiency and product quality of commercial concrete mixing plants is maximized.

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