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Design on Storage System Dust Control of Jianxin Concrete Mi

Usually, in the production process of the concrete mixing plant, mixing, aggregate transport, material yard, powder storagethe are the mainly places where dust pollution is likely to occur. For these parts, the Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery Concrete Mixing Plant equipment has been adopted corresponding environmental protection measures, which reduce the dust pollution generated by these parts to a certain extent.

concrete mixing plant
The first is the powder storage system, which is mainly used to store cement, fly ash and other powders. The construction of new machinery uses cement storage silos with dust removal decoration. Generally, powder pollution is not generated in the cement silo, but caused by the positive pressure formed by the air in the tank when cocrete mixer truck filling it with cement, fly ash and other bulk materials. The dust removal system is installed on the top of the cement warehouse of Jianxin plant. Can effectively realize dust removal.
During the transportation of aggregates, if the aggregates are not closed during transport on flat belts and inclined belt conveyors, dust may be easily generated in the presence of wind. The colored steel insulation board was used to close the entire conveyor system, allowing the aggregate to operate in closed channels.
The gravel yard is the place where the most dust is generated in the traditional mixing plant. The gravel yard should be fully closed and is suitable to install rotating spray device on the inner wall of the material yard. The directional and quantitative spraying of the field humidity and dust in the yard can solve the problem of dust in the gravel yard.

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