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Concrete mixing plant equipment must be lubricated and maintained by the reducer

In concrete mixing plant equipment, it is common to use a reducer and a screw conveyor. During the concrete mixing process, the equipment has to work continuously for more than ten hours, and for a long time, some parts of the equipment are easily damaged if regular maintenance is not carried out. The first thing that is most affected is the speed reducer.
Concrete mixing plant equipment
After the initial operation of the reducer in the mixing station for 300 hours, the oil should be replaced once. Before the oil change, the oil in the tank is cleaned with low viscosity oil. After every 12 months, the oil is changed. For the continuous operation in the day and night, the oil is changed every 6 months. oil. Rinse the gear unit with light oil before the new oil is installed. The cooling system of the reducer adopts the normally open mode, and the lubrication method is lubricated by the oil immersion cycle. Before the roll press system is turned on, the lubrication system must be started to confirm that the lubrication points are supplied with oil for 3-5 minutes before the speed reducer can be rotated. The installed reducer needs to drive the reducer input shaft at low speed after refueling to the middle line of the oil mark to ensure oil lubrication of each bearing in the reducer.
It should be noted that the maintenance of the reducer should be carried out without any operation at all. Check the oil level, oil temperature and oil pressure every day. Check the output of the reducer, the input end and the joints of the pipe system for oil leakage. Check whether the temperature of each bearing is normal, listen to whether the operation sound is normal, etc., and find abnormal phenomena immediately. exclude.

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