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How to choose the type of equipment for stabilized soil mixing station

The equipment of stabilized soil mixing station is an indispensable and important equipment in road and bridge engineering. Selection of equipment type is the basic work in the early stage of equipment selection.           
Construction of new mechanical stabilized soil mixing station models are: WBZ 300, WBZ 400, WBZ 500, WBZ 600, WBZ 800 and so on, the hourly discharge of 300 tons to 800 tons, construction of new mechanical stabilized soil mixing station according to the layout of the type of technology is divided into single-step and two-step. The single-step crushed stone, sand and cement materials are lifted to the top hopper of the mixing station at one time, and then weighed until the finished material is stirred. The vertical production process system is formed by the weight of the material. Stabilized soil mixing station has the characteristics of high production efficiency, low power consumption, high degree of mechanization and automation, compact layout, small floor area and so on, but its equipment is more complex, capital investment is large.

stabilized soil mixing station
It is often used in large permanent mixing station. Two-stage gravel, sand and cement materials are lifted twice, the first material is lifted to the hopper, after weighing the ingredients, the second material is lifted and unloaded into the stabilized soil mixing station. The stabilized soil mixing station is nested and linear in plane layout. Nested type is a common layout of several stabilized soil mixing stations around a loading and discharging center, which is characterized by a common set of weighing devices for several stabilized soil mixing stations, but can only mix one variety of concrete at a time. Linear series index table stabilized soil mixing stations are arranged in one or two rows. Each stabilized soil mixing station in this arrangement must be equipped with a weighing device, but can mix several kinds of concrete at the same time.           
If you are doubtful about the equipment selection, welcome to contact Jianxin Machinery, we will quickly tailor-made equipment model configuration scheme for you, construction of new machinery 30 years of professional production experience, you can rest assured of choice.

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