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Dry mortar mixing plant needs maintenance after production

After the daily operation of the dry mortar is completed or when it will not be produced for many days, certain measures must be taken to maintain the equipment and prepare for the next operation.
These measures are often overlooked by operators. The new machinery reminds everyone that no matter how urgent and heavy the production tasks are, these tasks must be done.
1st. We need to drop the hopper into the hopper pit. If it needs to be raised, use a chain to fasten it.

dry-mixed mortar production line
2nd. Thoroughly clean the mixer. If the operator needs to enter the cylinder for cleaning, be sure to cut off the power supply first, or arrange a special person to monitor the outside, or remove the fuse and lock the electric lock box before proceeding.
3rd. The mobile dry powder mixer needs to be parked for a long time, or when the time is more than three months, the tires must be unloaded for proper storage, and the end of the axle should be cleaned and rustproofed for future use. These measures not only ensure the service life of the equipment, but also increase production efficiency.
Quality is the precondition for purchasing products.
The dry-mixed mortar production line is also the same. When buying equipment, pay attention to distinguishing. Pay attention to picking. Don’t listen to the hype that some manufacturers say. We can go to the site to test the machine, even if it is signing a contract. At the time, pay attention to the terms of the treaty, so as to avoid some manufacturers appearing fraudulent consumers on the contract.
Jianxin Machinery welcomes new and old customers to visit our factory. We are a professional manufacturer of dry powder mortar equipment in the market for many years. Equipment and services can withstand any inspection. Welcome to contact us.

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