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Stabilized soil mixing station equipment cement warehouse inspection

Cement silos in stabilized soil mixing plant equipment are not prone to failure, but daily inspections are also necessary. Occasionally there will be problems with cement in the cement silo. What is the reason for this?

Stabilized soil mixing station
The common thing in the cement silo is that the taper can not be opened, which is intuitive to see. The cement silo will also cause the cement to not come in due to the positive pressure state, and the cement silo exhaust valve leaks. Will cause the cement to enter the cement silo. Therefore, during daily inspection, it should be noted that the cylinder piston and connecting rod of the cement tank of the stabilized soil mixing station equipment are out of operation. If it is not in operation or the operation is not in place, you can see that the cylinder piston is leaking enough, you can clean the switch valve or carry out seal. If it is the cause of the pressure of the cement silo, it is necessary to check whether the pallet rubber of the cement silo exhaust valve is normal, and if it is damaged or fails, it should be replaced in time. Finally, the reason is that the exhaust valve leaks, and the exhaust tray of the cement silo can be opened to discharge the gas. For more equipment troubleshooting, please contact Jianxin Machinery After-sales Service Department.

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